The best english blood lines Britishpride, Nobozz, Kelloe, Ocobo, Hobtop, Petworth.


Britishpride Elvis Britishpride Power n'Glory Petworth Captain Pugnax of Ringlablock Setsquare Surrey Oak of Quintic
Petworth Polly Perkins
Ch. Petworth Passion Potter of Britishpride Ch. Storming Passion at Ocobo
Petworth Polly Perkins
Britishpride Philosophy Mr. Fezzwig Ch. Petworth Harvey at Nobozz
Desiree a Bull Daisy
Ch. Britishpride Cream Cake Britishpride Power n'Glory
Ch. Britishpride Hanky Panky
Olivia Ch. Incredibulls Made in America by Nobozz Ch. Luv-a-Bull Sir Stanley Luv-a-Bull Suddenly Seymour
Luv-a-Bull Nelly Mae
Ch. Nobozz Gipsy Girl Nobozz Del Boy
Swalesboy Carnival Fair
Ambra della Picadette Kelloe Perfect Prefect Ch. Hobtop Picalo
Kelloe White Love
Nikita della Picadette Juffther Challanger at Hobtop
Dea della Picadette





Joey 3 month old number 3 in puppy class at Club Show - Judge Mrs. Sue Garside (Iceglint)